Over the Winter we had an amazing response to our offer of planting schemes for ponds of all sizes and complexity. Passionate about water gardening and all the benefits for wild life and the environment that even the smallest pond can bring we are happy to share our enthusiasm and experience to help you.

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Start planning your beautiful pond, lake or water feature today!
Please note that following an exceptionally busy year this year, we are planning to give some of our marginal plants time to recover. Weather permitting, we will start sending a full range of marginal plants out again in March.
Drawing on over 40 years of experience in growing and supplying pond plants, we are happy to share our advice for planting up your watery project, large or small. If you are thinking about creating a new pond or lake, or re-modelling your existing one, we can help. Read through our helpful articles on everything from creating a wildlife pond to controlling blanket weed.
We are passionate about helping you create beautiful and fulfilling ponds because this is another way for us to contribute to the wellbeing of our planet. Like trees, happy, healthy pools help local wildlife while reducing our carbon footprint.
Our Top Tips and Plant Care pages contain invaluable information for anyone starting or re-planting a pond. Just work out the surface area of the water and length of the shelf spaces and follow our stocking rate recommendations.
During the Winter months, when we’re quieter, we are happy to offer detailed planting schemes for ponds of all sizes and complexity. So whatever scheme you have in mind, whether it’s a formal lily pool, a larger pond or lake or one designed just to attract wildlife, we are happy to help. We are fanatical about all the plants that grow in and around water and we just want to share the love!

Buy beautiful plants today
Browse our full catalogue and online shop.