Pond health
The best, and most ecologically sympathetic additive for combatting pondweed is to use a pond dye. The vegetable-based pigment filters the sunlight that algae like blanket weeds need to grow but doesn’t harm any of the pond plants or the wildlife in the pond.
We have trialed this blue pond dye and have found that it is a brilliant way to control blanket weed, especially if used at the start of blanket weed or algae blooms. These usually happen during Spring and Summer and so we recommend treating your pond in April and again in August. Our fish, newts, frogs, dragonflies, and plants haven’t batted an eyelid at the blue water, but they have been very happy at the significant reduction of blanket weed.
Works in all garden ponds, small or large.
- Very economical to use
- Simple application methods
- Saves time and effort
- Filters light denying algae’s food source.
- Lasts up to three months
- Free of pesticides and herbicides
- Harmless to plants, fish, filters, and wildlife
- All year-round use
We supply the dye in three different size bottles for small, medium, and large ponds or lakes.
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